Established in 1965, Ringwood Heights Primary School is nestled in a wooded area in the Maroondah district of the Eastern Metropolitan Region. The school is set in extensive grounds that provide a wide variety of active and passive play areas including an oval, hard court, new playgrounds and extensive native bushland. While the students aren’t outside learning about nature, they are in class understanding the basics in life as we all did during our primary years. It’s hard enough for children to concentrate through-out the entire day therefore it is important for us at LimeLite to produce a high quality luminaire suitable for children within their learning environment.
Our Schoolies luminaire is our number one choice for general classrooms applications. Provides high quality CRI LED modules while maintaining an even distribution of light. Pushing the light further across the ceiling thanks to our custom ‘U shaped’ diffuser, consequently increasing the polar distributions considerably compared a recessed luminaire. Schoolies luminaire is practical and very versatile due to its endless applications. Can be fitted with sensors, Dimmers, emergencies, wire guards and even suspended from the ceiling.
Once again our Storm range is showcased in all undercover areas, for illuminating entry points or general undercover areas. This polycarbonate housing can withhold the outdoor conditions.
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